Drakar och Demoner Trudvang Wiki

First came the foreboding and dull sound of hundreds of hooves stomping over a hard surface. Soon thereafter the ground began to shake and small rings formed in the pools that had formed on the rough road. I pressed myself hard against the stone wall so as not to be in the way when they arrived. Unconsciously, I held my breath while I waited with my eyes focused on the corner of the cliff wall. The sound of hooves soon drowned all else and I knew they would come around the corner at any moment.

Then suddenly they were there. The first to appear was a man wearing an enormous horned helmet. The rider sat hunched forward on the snorting horse. In his shield hand he carried Viranne's proud banner that fluttered in the hard wind. He was followed by a horde of heavily armed knights on their huge steeds whose hooves dragged up wet and mud that splashed all the way to where I stood. Although I was not more than 9 years old at the time I knew then and there that one day I too would sit on a horse wearing a helmet, proudly carry the banner of Viranne. This was my destiny ...

Vastermark deals with the countries furthest to the west. The book contains valuable information for anyone who wants to create adventures and campaigns originating in the western countries. This product is also useful for players who want their characters to come from Vastermark. In addition to culture, lifestyle and mythology you can find detailed descriptions of the various countries' histories as well as cities and mysterious places in each country.
